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Are you eligible for a mortgage?

You have a range of options when it comes to home loans, so it is beneficial to become acquainted with each one. We are here to help you pick the most suitable home loan for your requirements.

Choosing the right option


A home loan on which the interest rate remains constant for the life of the loan. The borrower is required to make a fixed number of payments over the life of the loan, and the interest rate will never change. This type of loan is typically offered with a term of 15 or 30 years, and the interest rate is usually fixed for the life of the loan.
Also known as an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), is a home loan on which the interest rate can change over time, typically including a fixed period, during which the interest rate remains constant, followed by a variable period during which the interest rate can change

The Federal Housing Administration offers mortgage insurance on loans from FHA-approved lenders. As a result of the FHA’s reduced risk, FHA mortgage rates are lower than conventional rates for first-time home buyers. However, borrowers must pay for mortgage insurance premiums, which can increase the overall cost of the loan. FHA mortgage rates are usually lower than conventional rates for those with comparable credit backgrounds.

Popular among veterans and service members because of the benefits they offer over traditional mortgages, including no down payment and no mortgage insurance requirement. VA loan rates are lower than traditional mortgage rates because the VA guarantees a portion of the loan.


A cash-out refinance a type of mortgage refinance in which a homeowner takes out a new loan that is larger than their current mortgage, and the difference is paid to them in cash. This has higher interest rates than a rate-and-term refinance.

If the homeowner has built up enough equity in their home, they may be able to refinance to a loan with a larger amount and cash out some of that equity for home improvements or other expenses.

A rate and term refinance is a mortgage refinance that lowers the interest rate or removes PMI payments. It can save the borrower money on interest over the life of the loan.

Switching from one type of mortgage loan to another can be beneficial for various reasons. Before making a decision, it is essential to consider the costs and benefits and to consult with a financial advisor. It may be necessary to go through the loan application process again and incur closing costs and fees. Trước khi đưa ra quyết định, điều cần thiết là cân nhắc các chi phí và lợi ích cũng như tham khảo ý kiến của cố vấn tài chính. Bạn có thể cần phải thực hiện lại quy trình đăng ký khoản vay và phải chịu các chi phí.

Frequently Questions and Answers

Refinancing your mortgage is typically a smart decision if the new interest rate is at least 2% lower than your current loan rate. Even if the rate difference is just 1%, it can still be worthwhile. Doing so could reduce the cost of your mortgage payments. As an example, a loan of $100,000 at 8.5% would cost around $770 every month, not including taxes and insurance. If the rate was lowered to 7.5%, then the monthly payment would be $700, which is a savings of $70. How much you save depends on factors like your income, budget, loan size, and changes in interest rate. Talk to your lender for help figuring out the best approach.

If a person borrows $100,000, then one point is equivalent to 1% of this amount, which amounts to $1,000. Points are payments to the loan provider in order to secure the mortgage terms and conditions. Discount points are fees that can be paid to reduce the interest rate on the loan. For example, 100 basis points are equal to 1 point (or 1% of the loan).

If you are planning to reside in your property for a substantial amount of time, paying points to decrease the interest rate on your loan can be a beneficial decision as it can lower your monthly payments and may allow you to borrow more. However, if you only intend to stay in the property for a short period, the savings on your monthly payments may not be enough to offset the upfront cost of the points you paid.

The cost of mortgages can vary within a short period of time, and these fluctuations can have a significant impact on the borrower’s payment. To avoid this, lenders can give the option to “lock-in” the interest rate for a certain period, typically ranging from 30-60 days, although this service might come at an extra cost.

An appraisal is a professional evaluation of a property’s value, typically performed by a licensed appraiser. Lending institutions often require appraisals as a condition of providing a mortgage loan to purchase or refinance a property. Appraisers use various techniques to determine a property’s value, including comparing the subject property to similar properties that have recently sold in the area, analyzing the property’s condition and features, and evaluating any improvements made to the property. Appraisals are an essential step in the mortgage process, as they provide a lender with an independent, professional assessment of a property’s value, which helps the lender determine whether to approve a loan and at what terms.

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is an insurance plan that is created to cover the lender in the event of a borrower’s failure to pay off their mortgage. This type of coverage is generally needed if the buyer puts down less than 20% of the total value of the house. The cost of this insurance differs based on the size of the down payment and the loan amount, and is usually applicable for conventional loans and not for government-backed loans such as FHA or VA. PMI is typically required when the Loan to Value (LTV) ratio is higher than 80%. Although PMI can add to the total cost of owning a home, it enables those who cannot afford a large down payment to still purchase a home. The borrower can also ask for PMI to be removed when the LTV ratio falls below 78% as they have built up enough equity in their property. It is important to remember that PMI can increase the mortgage payment on a monthly basis.


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